Volume:9, Issue: 3

Dec. 27, 2017

Author Guidelines

Papers submitted to the journal should meet the following requirements:

  1. Authors should follow the APA Sixth Edition format, a short version of which you can find at: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
  2. All manuscripts should be double-spaced, titled, and consist of no more than 16,000 characters with spaces (excluding references).
  3. All illustrations, charts, and tables are placed within the text and not at the end. Also add them as separate attachments to your submission.
  4. The first author submits the manuscript (if there are more than two authors), and the communication will be arranged between the editor and the primary contact.
  5. The manuscript for submission should not be originally published or considered for publication in another journal.
  6. The cover page should have a title, all authors’ names, positions and their affiliation, and email addresses.
  7. The page following the cover page should have an abstract of no more than 120 words, and up to 10 keywords in APA format.
  8. The review process might take up to 2-3 months, and the total time to publication (if accepted) will be from 4 to 6 months.The paper you submit should be blinded for the review process.
  9. Submissions should be made to Dr. Tatyana Tsyrlina-Spady, Editor-in-Chief, at tsyrlina@aol.com with the indication on a subject line ‘Submission to the journal’.

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