Volume:9, Issue: 3

Dec. 27, 2017

A Letter to the Readers
Tsyrlina-Spady, Tatyana [about]

Dear friends and readers, 

It is my distinct pleasure and honor to introduce this new journal issue to you not only because I know the work of most of the authors but also because I believe it is extremely important to disseminate its results.

The papers published in this journal issue raise interesting and stimulating insights, and I can only hope that they will attract more attention of the specialists and wider public to social pediatrics as a field and to community centers which practice it. This particular issue represents the work of the key specialists from the Foundation of Dr. Julien in Montreal, Canada. You will learn about the astonishing results which were achieved in their long-term professional public service to children and families living in very poor neighborhoods of the city. You will also become aware of the founding principles and concepts of the work of Dr. Julien and his committed colleague and wife Hélène (Sioui) Trudel. One of the projects of particular importance and attraction is their Music Garage which provides access to collective practice of music in youth orchestras and which has changed the lives of hundreds of participants. No wonder, Janusz Korczak Association of Canada calls Dr. Julien and Ms. Trudel Canadian Korczaks, they truly deserve this high title.

Another inspiring project along the same lines is represented by a group of researchers and medical practitioners from British Columbia headed by Professor Judith Lynam, and is called RICHER (Responsive, Intersectoral-Interdisciplinary, Child-Community, Health, Education, and Research initiative). It is a very successful clinical and research program that allows to improve child health and medical assistance whenever necessary.

In the “Book Review” section we are presenting the book by our key authors in this volume, Dr. Gilles Julien and Ms. Hélène (Sioui) Trudel. So far it is published only in French but we hope that due to its extreme importance this journal issue will add to the understanding that the book should be translated into English very soon.

Regarding Janusz Korczak’s activities and his educational legacy, I would like to remind you that Seattle Pacific University (in Seattle, Washington) in cooperation with the Korczak Association of the United States, is organizing an international conference, Education for Excellence, Diversity, and Respect: Transformative 21st century innovations. The conference will be held on the campus of Seattle Pacific University on August 22–25, 2018. The website is up and running at: korczakconference2018.com

Make sure to check it out and register soon.

Lastly, this issue is prepared in close cooperation with Dr. Andréane Melançon, coordinator for research and analysis at the Foundation of Dr. Julien.

That’s about it for now. After reading any paper here, please provide your reaction for the author(s) –feedback is extremely helpful and always appreciated!

Looking forward to reading your valuable comments.


Always yours,
Tatyana Tsyrlina-Spady


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