Абилитационно-воспитательное пространство как предмет педагогического исследования
Понятие «абилитационно-воспитательное пространство» все чаще становится предметом педагогических исследований. С этой категорией педагогики сопряжены такие понятия как «реабилитация», «воспитательное пространство», «абилитация».
The Educational Abilitation Component as a Subject of Educational Research
The concept of an “abilitational component” in education all the more frequently has become a subject for pedagogical research. This category of education entails such concepts as “rehabilitation,” “educational space” and “abilitation” or “adaptation by means of alternatives.” In a literal translation from Latin, “rehabilitation” means “restoration or renewal.” In France and French speaking countries it is used to convey the understanding of “re-adaptation,” which means a restoration of the patient’s level of adaptability for change or alteration. The concept of rehabilitation is also used in the juridical, medical, and psychological fields. The juridical aspect of rehabilitation allows for restoration of the good name and legal rights of a person through the power of the acknowledgment of former guilt. Medical rehabilitation is essentially similar to medical treatment. The difference lies in the fact that the basic treatment produces a medical-biological restoration of the organism, but the essential goal of medical rehabilitation is the medical-social restoration of certain fundamental activities.