Татарский просветитель Каюм Насыри
Конец XIX – начало ХХ века у татар характеризуется формированием системы национального образования, национальной печати, литературы, театра, появлением нового поколения интеллигенции, стремившейся в своем мировоззрении к единству традиционных духовных ценностей и потребностей национального развития. В системе образования татарского народа постепенно складывалось инновационное направление, которое вошло в историю под названием «джадидизм». Происхождение термина связано с внедрением в обучение нового метода "усул джадид", возникшего благодаря реформе традиционного конфессионального образования при разработке звукового метода обучения. Особое влияние на эти процессы оказал выдающийся татарский просветитель, ученый-энциклопедист и писатель Каюм Насыри, имя которого известно любому человеку, знакомому с историей и культурой татарского народа.
A great Tatar thinker Kayum Nasari
The end of the 19th - early 20th century is characterized by the formation of national Tatar education system, national mass media, literature and theatre, together with a new type of intellectuals striving for the unity of traditional cultural values and Tatar national development. The innovative approach that is known in history as “Jadidism” gradually evolved in the Tatar education system. The origin of this term comes from the name of a new method of teaching "Usul Jadid," and the latter became possible due to the reform of the traditional confessional education and the development of a sound method of teaching [1; 4]. Especially influential in this movement was an outstanding Tatar educator, researcher and writer Kayum Nasyri (1825 - 1902), well known to anyone who is familiar with the history and culture of the Tatar people.
Kayum Nasyri was born on February 14th, 1825, in the village of Upper Shirdany of Sviyazhsky district in Kazan province (now Zelenodolski region of Tatarstan) in the family of an influential local theologian and master of calligraphy Gabdenasyr bin Hussein. The founder of this dynasty was a respected Birash Baba who settled on the right bank of the Volga River in the time of the Kazan Khanate. For several centuries, the descendants of the dynasty were recognized Muslim leaders, serving as village mullahs. Kayum’s grandfather, Hussein bin Al'mukhamed, was not only an imam (a Muslim leader) in the Upper Shirdany but also a teacher and a researcher. He wrote several books on Arabic grammar and syntax, used and enjoyed by numerous students from Muslim schools, called "mektebe." His son Gabdenasir took after the father, had fundamental knowledge in different fields and a brilliant mind, and was also known as a researcher of Islam. He studied the theory of the Arabic language and was heavily engaged in making professional copies of different Oriental books. However, Gabdenasir did not become a religious leader, spending all his time and energy in the work to benefit his native village and fellow villagers. No wonder, they called him Gabdenasyr Khazret, which means "merciful."