Vocational training in the Perm region as a space for development
The author, Minister of Education of Perm region, briefly analyzes a current situation in the Perm vocational training; he names all the main goals to be achieved for the future success and some possible challenges and risks.
This year the meeting of the Teaching-Methodological Union of the Privolzhsky District in the city of Perm was held practically at the same time when we were able to announce the end of the primary adaptation of the regional educational system to the new socioeconomic conditions.
Initial vocational training: all efforts towards modernization
This is initially a paper presented at the recent Perm regional educational meeting. The author describes the work of the Board of Directors of Initial Vocational Training and some new tendencies which help the regional vocational training system stay in line with the regional economy.
About the period of transition of the modern Russian society
he period of transition of the modern Russian society is defined in a very different way by Russian sociologists. The article talks about these approaches, their pros and cons. The notion of the modern Russian social culture is also analyzed.
Let us start with the attempt to define the term “a period of transition of the modern Russian society.” Neither theorists, not practitioners have a common opinion about it. For example, according to Egor Gaidar, it is “a period of social recession, a fall of gross domestic product, disorganization of economic links, financial crisis, financial stabilization, the start of the reconstruction period, launching of the capacities created during socialism…».
Info-technology is the way to develop the Perm region
The Perm region and some of its unique institutions have taken up the challenge of modernizing education and have created their own solutions to age old and modern problems. These answers to difficult questions center on the cooperative work of teachers and their desire to improve the educational opportunities and the lives of their students.
Perm is among those regions which are, by right, regarded as cultural and scientific centers of Russia. The United Nations Organization presented a report in 2007 concerning human –potential development in which independent scientists and experts rated highly the development of the social sphere in the Perm region and Russia in general. Prikamyie (the region bordering the River Kama, tributary of the Volga, which flows through Perm) ranked next after Moscow and Saint Petersburg.
Non-state higher education as a tool in solving social issues in the Perm region and in the entire Russian society
The author gives a brief description of the development of higher education in the world during the last twenty years. There is an analysis of pros and cons of non-state education together with a number of factors that put non-state colleges and universities into unfavorable conditions in Russia. Some innovative characteristics of the Prikamsky Social Institute are depicted as well.
The development of every country is characterized by specific features of its educational development. It happens due to history, politics, and other factors. National education has become a priority in many political programs of different political leaders. At present education has become accessible for millions.
Association “The 21st Century”
Professor Zakharova analyzes the development of a concept and a system for creating life-long learning opportunities for the citizens of the City and region of Perm, Russia. Her article describes the birth of the concept and the development of each aspect of its evolution. It begins with a traditional Russian school and grows into a complex of innovative educational institutions that spans preschool to adult education; all with the same philosophy of continuous learning as a way of life.
One of the most important characteristics of contemporary education is the quality of its development. The creation and development of a system for “continuous learning” or “life long learning” is based on the principal of the deep formation of the individual. This is an essential condition for guaranteeing quality.
New Approaches to Forming Competitive Environment in the Field of Rendering Preschool Educational Services
To renovate current Russian system of education, the country needs a non-state sector of education that is able to initiate innovative solutions and to meet current socioeconomic demands. Several new approaches are suggested and described. They are: “a municipal order,” allowances paid to the families who do not place their children in state preschools, concession, outsourcing in education, quality mini preschools, and a new system of training personnel.
Education has an absolute priority all over the world, remaining a dominant factor in triggering a dynamic development of economy and society in any country. To renovate the Russian system of education which is in transition towards a market economy now, our country needs a non-state sector of education which has equal rights and which is able to initiate innovative solutions, supplementing an official policy of the federal and regional educational authorities and which is also able to meet current socioeconomic demands. Non-state educational institutions in the Russian Federation today form an integral part of the whole system of education and expand the possibilities for all citizens to realize their rights for quality education.