Volume:5, Issue: 3

Aug. 15, 2013

In This Category
A Letter to the Readers
Tsyrlina-Spady, Tatyana [about]
The idea and the topic of this journal issue were born long ago. As you probably noticed, we have already touched upon innovations and innovative methods in education in different educational institutions many times before but only now we are able to present to you the whole journal issue fully dedicated to the topic, “Innovations and Innovational Approaches in Education.” It feels that due to the journal topic and number (if to count from the very beginning, this issue is NO. 13!) we are facing here quite a few novelties. To start with, we are introducing a new section in the journal which would be represented by one of the journal founders and inspirers, a famous Russian scholar, publisher and editor, Vladimir M. Lizinsky, whose brilliant mind and sense of humor will, hopefully, impress every reader. By the way, looking for an interesting title of his section, we have finally decided not to invent anything special and leave it as is, “Thoughts on Education from Vladimir Lizinsky.”

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