Volume:4, Issue: 1

Apr. 1, 2012

Articles by #getArticle.ind_name#
Enhancing History Students’ Understandings of Civil Rights: a Comparative Study of Struggles and Movements around the World
Bethany Green [about]
Many middle and high school students in the United States receive only modest exposure to the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s during their academic careers. Research indicates these students receive even less exposure to similar 20th century social movements, human rights struggles, or related events in other parts of the world. For these students, inadequate attention to social history and civil/human rights issues may lead to lacking connections between the American Civil Rights Movement and similar events in other parts of the world such as Ireland, Russia, Cambodia, and Sudan, among others. Research shows that gaps in students’ understandings of their roles regarding promotion and preservation of human/civil rights for all can lead to diminished empathy for victims of human rights violations. This project is intended to enable teachers to experience and engage in a comparative study of 20th century human/civil rights history and conflict resolution, and use what they have learned to generate lessons and units for use by middle and high school history teachers throughout the United States and around the world.

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