Volume:5, Issue: 4

Dec. 15, 2013

Articles by #getArticle.ind_name#
Prioritizing the formation of a comfortable psychological climate and a space for an efficient social education
Lizinsky, Vladimir M. [about]
More and more often we hear about the cases of adults’ aggressive behavior towards children and children towards one another. Though it is self-evident that the comfortable psychological climate of the educational institution is always one of the critical factors to achieve success in instruction and education, as well as the proper level of relationships. Below we enumerate a number of criteria which, in our understanding, could characterize a positive psychological climate in any educational institution: • Positive emotional relationships • A high level of school community coherence • A feeling of pride because of the work in this particular school with this particular fellow colleagues • A high level of satisfaction with one’s own work results • An overall high level of satisfaction at school

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