Volume:7, Issue: 2

Aug. 1, 2015

Articles by #getArticle.ind_name#
A letter to the readers
Tsyrlina-Spady, Tatyana [about]
This current issue is quite unusual as it consists only of Russian papers, and all the authors have been doing research within the same research field and using the systems' approach to education and socialization of children and youth; the approach that was originally developed by the famous Russian scholar Lyudmilla Ivanovna Novikova. I am also happy to introduce Professor Natalia L. Selivanova, a guest editor for this issue, a follower of Novikova's ideas, her former student, a long-term research partner, and a current head of The Center of the Strategy and Theory of Education, “Strategy of the Education Development Institute of The Russian Academy of Education”. Now comes a confession… in being biased as my research life has been closely connected with this Center for many years. To this day I keep warm memories of numerous meetings with outstanding scholars and practitioners there, countless national and international conferences and projects, challenging discussions, and stimulating talks. For me as much as for thousands of others Lyudmilla Ivanovna Novikova will always remain not only an inspiring educational innovator but also a wonderful, kind-hearted, open, and decent person with whom I was able to stay in contact for many years.

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