May. 1, 2014
KEY WORDS: great schools, true principals, sense of belonging, pride for the school, internal school PR, external school PR, relationships among teachers and a school principal.
ABSTRACT: The author asks a challenging question and sets up a dilemma of whether any school should keep being humble and just do its job or should it be aggressive in promoting itself in the neighborhood and in the wider community. He also presents a number of ideas of how a true principal should behave providing his/her school with internal and external PR.
To love something, we first need to see, hear, comprehend, compare, assess, choose, respect, and help.
It so happens that great schools and educational practices give birth to impressive school legends, and people tend to believe in them passing them on from one generation to another. Gone are the days of some amazing school principal, wonderful teachers, unusual freedom of creation or that unique pedagogical environment which used to distinguish the school long ago. But parents, blinded by adoration or some whimsical pedagogical rush, are determined to do their best and place their offspring into this legendary school while a real worthy next-door school is quietly but steadily doing its great job for the sake of children and parents.
Before we hasten to lavish praise on such recently discovered and somewhat outstanding school, let us first try to understand why its teachers are not among winners of numerous contests or nominations, why mass media has not yet glorified it or why the principal’s name is not even known to many in the local community.
So, what will we find? It turns out that the principal is not willing to shine lest this should hamper work. The teachers are so genuinely trying to be useful to the school that publicity is not important. However, if this advanced school keeps stewing in its own juice, it will end up in stagnation sooner or later.
The school is a public and humanitarian institution, it means very much to its fellow citizens and must evoke pride when we have fellowship with it or remember it.
The school should be proud to display its achievements and show the ‘right’ path to everybody who is in search of success. It must share its life and public merits with the community.
Thus, it is vital for a school to carry out both internal and external PR by promoting itself, filling information gaps and offering attractive, clear, and useful information to everybody who is interested.
Internal PR
Internal PR refers to the school’s activity in promoting its positive experience to all the participants with the emphasis on their individual contributions.
Internal and external PR, being a chaotic flow of random informational streams, will not result in a ‘powerful current’ if this work is not systematically carried out by an authorized body supervised by the principal.
External PR
External PR is a promotion of the school’s achievements and its potential carried out in the community, beyond the school walls.
The principal. If s/he is praised only because of providing his/her duties, this is not enough at all.
It is very different when people get a many-sided IMAGE OF THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL with his/her personal appeal, hyperbolical and mythological features, when his/her charisma outshines everyday routine and presents the principal in a somewhat legendary light, when s/he is spoken about in a high-flown manner and his/her words and activities awaken the feelings of surprise and admiration, only then this is a true school principal.
When speaking about the common sense pedagogy and defining a teacher who works in accordance with its principles, we must admit that there exist different school principals: some express their thoughts in such a bizarre and sophisticated manner (mainly consisting of foreign language terminology) that they are impossible to understand; others are aware that the deeper their knowledge in pedagogy, psychology and administration, the less they brag about it but tend to have more respect for people around them rather than for academic pretentiousness. And finally, we come across a remarkable personality of a patriarchal school principal whose human touch, simplicity, and love to people and his work are so appealing!
A true principal is known by his/her words, deeds, texts, and emotions; and more so, all these must be surprisingly attractive, novel, not hackneyed or, to be more exact, s/he should be able to present something known in such a way, with such enthusiasm that this known becomes novel, revealing new meanings and amazing miracles.
One may have charismatic appearance but lack inner power which has been achieved through much suffering and emotional experience; s/he may demonstrate certain artistic skills and strength of mind but be void of noble political will, personal and professional authority, ‘divine power’ over other people, ability to filter out the essential things in the world of chaos, the admirable capacity to summon others under his/her banners and lead the people towards the true, well-planned, commonly acknowledged, and vital goal.
And, most importantly, such a principal, talented and conscious of his/her own significance, must learn to suppress his/her individual snobbery, must not put him/herself so high and far from his/her team when it suddenly becomes obvious that either his/her incredible merits have given him/her ‘angel’s’ wings to fly high above the clouds or his/her selfish success has sent him/her down to the dirt road dust while losing friends, fellow workers, and colleagues on the way.
Many researchers are currently pondering over the place and role of information technologies in school administration and educational process. No doubt, they are really important and useful. Proper and timely implementation of analytical, managerial, and instructional materials will surely improve controllability of education and school social education and, consequently, increase their quality.
However, we find it extremely important to draw the school principal’s attention to the existing or appearing disunity of the educational process participants which happens every time when administration lacks accurate, clear, and timely informational support.
Rumors, gossip, legends, and sporadic conclusions come to the surface every time when the faculty does not have a system-based information support. On the contrary, information awareness, transparency, and openness define the level of democratic institutions in a particular school.
Autocratic administration implies that some management secret is seen as a privilege, as the right and opportunity to have certain secret mechanisms to assert the manager’s own special social status. A management secret in a democratic school is a way to apply such information to the philosophy and practice of successful administration which helps in achieving major educational goals.
PR ideas, responsibilities, and activities of a school principal include the following:
It is bad if not very bad when the school has a recognized authority of a principal while the rest of the staff acts like shadows or impersonal executives. It is necessary to promote vice principals, educate them, involve them in a responsible problem-solving process, make sure that the staff may see not only their importance but also their initiative and each episode of their success, thus fostering their feeling of complicity. Anyway, it is the principal’s suite that makes successful, and it is the true principal who makes the suite become equal participants in brain storming, work and problem solving.
A vain principal takes all the credit for the work done by the staff, and he/she is not about to share it with them. A different matter is Napoleon – we know about his marshals, generals, and favorite women not less than about the emperor himself! It is a real challenge for the principal to know all about his/her vice principals and best teachers, to elevate them in good times and support in the times of their defeat. But it also happens sometimes that principals know next to nothing about their teachers.
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